Working in the Centre of Excellence for Soldier Performance (Singapore Armed Forces), I have an interest in ergonomics (physical and cognitive) as it applies to the evaluation of soldier systems design and their impact on performance.
Final Project: Impact of Concurrent Physical and Cognitive Tasks on Performance
10 participants performed three 10-minute conditions in a randomised order:
– Physical task only (crossing obstacle course with weighted backpack) – Cognitive task only (modified 2-back working memory task) – Dual task (cognitive + physical task)The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) was used to measure subjective workload. Statistically significant differences were detected across several domains, represented by different letters above the bars. Overall workload was found to be higher in the dual task compared to cognitive condition.
Statistically significant differences were found in the distances covered during obstacle crossing and in the working memory scores. Dual tasking was found to have impaired performance in these performance measures.A visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to assess participants’ perceived prioritisation of either the physical or cognitive task during the dual task condition. 90% of participants indicated that they had prioritised the working memory (cognitive) task.
Other projects
In the environmental ergonomics module, simulated consultancy work was performed, evaluating the environmental conditions (acoustic, thermal and visual) of two work sites. Issues were identified and recommendations provided for the employer to improve the environmental working condition.Whilst learning about human factors and systems, an AcciMap was used to identify the various causal factors leading up to the deadly Tenerife airport disaster in 1977.
The above poster was designed as part of the occupational ergonomics module, providing employers and employees information about the health risks of prolonged exposure to excessive noise, and relevant solutions.During a hands-on session for the transport ergonomics module, we evaluated various road junctions in the university, identifying conflicts between users and proposing recommendations to improve the road design and enhance road safety.
During the interaction and experience design module, an application was developed to help students leverage peer pressure and gamification to focus better. A usability test was conducted to solicit feedback and improve the design.In physical ergonomics, a biomechanical analysis of lifting a child from a cot was performed to assess the risks involved, and provide suitable recommendations.